Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I believe people take their inspiration from different things - especially us creative types...it could be something really little - or something major - well last year around this time, I was inspired by a bottle of wine and not remembering the name of it...Now before you jump to conclusions - that isn't what I mean...but seriously - don't you ever go to dinner and have a glass or someone gives you a bottle when they come over - you really enjoy it but then you recycle the bottle, or leave the restaurant, without knowing what it was called...

Ok well that happened to me and I thought - wouldn't it be perfect to have a notebook to write down wines? So whats a designer to do - I came up with a name, designed a logo, laid out a book, had it printed and bound, designed a website - and SHIZAM - I now had a wine journal...WOO WOO! Those are the glories of being a graphic designer - think of something and create it...

And don't worry - I am not keeping this glorious new product to myself - you can buy it at a few stores in Rochester at Craft Company No 6, Wine Sense, Wines by Design; in Baltimore at I am Wine, and of course online at  www.uncorkedandtoasted.com

So its great to follow your inspiration - no matter what it is and where it leads you. And maybe mine will lead you to buy a wine journal!